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Suspended Ceiling Pack

Suspended Ceiling Pack

Included are 21 dirty-looking, high-quality, one by one FPS Creator segment sized suspension ceiling segments like you might know them from various offices. Usually they are used to hide cables and to make a high ceiling appear somewhat lower. In FPS Creator you can make your scenes with such details much more realistic and vivid (well, the exact opposite); especially if you make an abandoned looking scene. You can use it (and any media from it) freely in any kind of media (this includes any other game-engine) and however you think it is okay.

Uploader: TheK

Format: zip
Support: X9
TheK's Grass Pack

TheK's Grass Pack

Included are 14 different textures ranging from a few blades of grass to bushes applied on several fitting plane 3D-models. Most of them are designed to be used in devastated environments in which nature has taken over the buildings. You can use these objects for example where tiles in the floor are missing and grass is growing from under the ground.

Uploader: TheK

Format: zip
Support: X9
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